Blog: The Gut-brain axis

The Gut-Brain Axis

Ever heard of the powerful brain-gut axis? Interestingly, the gut-brain axis exists in humans and this connection works like magic!


Many people are aware of the link between the gut and the brain, whether it be a tense feeling in the stomach before a big presentation or "butterflies" when they see a loved one. However, the gut-brain axis, which describes a two-way communication between the enteric nervous system (ENS) and the central nervous system (CNS), is a real phenomenon (ENS) (1).


The gut and the brain have a strong relationship. The GBA, a bidirectional link between the body's central nervous system and enteric nervous system (ENS), allows them to communicate with one another.


The ENS, which extends from the bottom third of the esophagus through to the rectum, is a web of sensory neurons, motor neurons, and interneurons that are implanted in the wall of the gastrointestinal system. It connects the peripheral gut functions to the brain's affective and cognitive centers through both direct and indirect channels.


Important facts to know about the Gut-brain axis

  • This communication occurs between the immunological (cytokines and chemokines), endocrine (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis), and autonomic nervous systems (ANS).


  • Plays a part in colitis, celiac disease, and irritable bowel syndrome.


  • Through this axis, stress signals from the brain can affect digestion, and the gut can also transmit signals that have a similar impact on the brain. These signals appear to be sent and received mostly by gut bacteria.


  • An extensive model that integrates the central nervous, gastrointestinal, and immunological systems with this recently identified organ is supported by the exponential rise of evidence describing the bidirectional interactions between the gut microbiome and the brain (2).


  • Physical connections between your gut and brain are made by millions of nerves, most notably the vagus nerve. Additionally, the gut and its microorganisms regulate inflammation and produce a wide range of chemicals that may have an impact on mental health (3).







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