Blog: Importance of Early Physiotherapy in Children

Starting physiotherapy early in children can make all the difference in their disability journey and in predicting their future outcomes. If you suspect that your child is falling behind in developmental milestones such as sitting up, arms lifting, social interaction, or rolling, you should notify your pediatrician. Typically, you will be referred to a physiotherapist in charge of the early intervention team (1).


Early intervention physiotherapy in children can help to improve a child's movement and function by strengthening neural connections (2). It is important to start physiotherapy on time for several reasons;


1. Motor development: Starting physiotherapy early can help your child's motor development by improving coordination, strength, balance, and flexibility. This is especially important for children with motor delays or conditions like cerebral palsy or hip developmental dysplasia.


2. Injury prevention: Physiotherapy can help to reduce the risk of injury by improving a child's motor skills and overall physical abilities. Children who receive physiotherapy at an early age are often better prepared to participate in physical activities and sports.


3. Improved Quality of Life. There’s a higher chance of having increased quality of life when you begin physiotherapy on time.  This allows them to participate in activities that are important to them, such as playing with friends or participating in sports. This can have a positive impact on their overall well-being and self-esteem.


4. Condition management: Early physiotherapy helps children manage various conditions such as respiratory conditions, musculoskeletal conditions, neurological conditions, and developmental coordination disorders. Early intervention can help to lessen the impact of these conditions and improve the overall functioning of that child.


5. Problem detection: Physiotherapy can aid in the early detection of problems, allowing for prompt intervention and management. This is especially important in the case of conditions like hip developmental dysplasia, which can lead to long-term problems if left untreated.


As a parent, you want to give your children a better prognosis by starting them on physiotherapy immediately after you notice any changes.






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